Mike Ross is running for governor of Arizona
as a Libertarian in 2006.
The David Dorn IssueErnie Hancock told Mike Ross at the First Freedom summit that David Dorn the owner of an insuranse company Dorn Agency was accusing Mike Ross of being some sort of government snitch who inflitrated David Dorn's F.R.E.E. Supper Club. Ernie has never been kind enough to tell Mike Ross the whole story or even a part of it. Ernie did tell Mike Ross that David Dorn was accusing Mike Ross of either taking photos or being with a government snitch who was taking photos at David Dorn's F.R.E.E. Supper Club.Mike Ross says this is a complete lie and he put out this web page on this subject. In Oct 2002 I found out that since 1998 David Dorn who owns a Phoenix and Scottsdale based insuranse company called Dorn Agency or Dorn Insurance has been making up lies about me and telling people that I am a government snitch. Ernie Hancock told me about this lie when I helped him video tape the Freedom Summit. I don't know why David Dorn has been making up these lies but they have hurt and damaged me very much. I hope to focus on this issue and have the media bring this out to the public and get them to confirm that these hateful lies David Dorn is saying are just that "lies". For more information on the lies David Dorn has been saying about me check out http://www.geocities.com/david_dorn_government_snitch What I will do if I am electedThere are lots of things I would like to do if I am elected but the Arizona Constitution and the U.S. Constitution will not allow me to do them. These are some of the things I would be legally allowed to do if I am elected. What I would like to do is in the section on Libertarian Issues. Of course the Constitution does not allow me to do most of that.I will veto lots of bills
I will only sign bills that
What about bills that raise taxes and reduce government regulation or reduce taxes and raise government regulationIn this case I may be able to use a line item veto to kill the parts of the bill that increase taxes or increase government regulation and sign the other parts of the bill. Pardons? I will give out lots of pardons!I will give pardons to anyone who has been convicted of a victimless crime. This includes any drug war crimes, crimes such as prostitution and gambling, unconstitutional gun control laws, illegal immigration crimes, and tax evasion. I will fire lots of government bureaucratsAs governor I have a lot of control over many state agencies. If elected I will fire as many government bureaucrats in these agencies that I can. Most government bureaucrats are just parasites and leaches who are a drain on hard working people and they deserve to be fired. How will I run all the agencies that the governor controls?I will also try to reduce as many government regulations as I can. Any government regulations that I can legally eliminate by a proclamation I will eliminate. And I will order the people that work for me to eliminate as much government as they can. EducationI am all for education. But I think that the private sector does a much better job of educating our children then government bureaucrats do. Sadly the Arizona Constitution required the state to provide a whole bunch of education. I would try to get that part of the Constitution changed. I will try to move as much of the government education to the private sector as I legally can. Guns IssuesThere isn't one part of the 2nd Amendment I don't understand. The people have the right to keep and bear arms, PERIOD! I am not a gun grabber. You should have the right to own, carry, or even carry concealed any gun that you want including a fully automatic machine gun. I view all 10,000 or so of the gun control laws unconstitutional. If I get elected I will do everything to allow you to keep and bear arms. God, Religion, and GovernmentThe Arizona and U.S. Constitutions clearly address those issues and say that religion will not be mixed with government - PERIOD!!!! Gays, Lesbians, and HomosexualsIt is none of the governments business what you do in your sex life, nor is it any of the governments business who you chose to live with as a partner. I don't care if a man and a woman, or a man and a man, or a woman and a woman, or 5 men and 5 women want to live together as domestic partners, it's none of the government's damn business. ImmigrationJanet has got it all wrong using Arizona government resources to stop illegal immigrants from entering Arizona. That’s because there is not one word in the Arizona Constitution that gives her that power. It is the job of the Federal Government to handle immigration problems, not the Arizona Governor. I’m sure Janet is flushing the Arizona Constitution down the toilet because she hope to get a personal gain out of it and use it to get re-elected. I certainly won’t flush the constitution down the toilet like Janet is doing. Abortion and Woman’s RightsA woman owns her body so she should be the one who decides if she should get an abortion. It should not be any of the government business to decide if a woman should or should not be allowed to have an abortion. It’s the woman’s body and it should be her decision. Libertarian IssuesBut the basic Libertarian concept of government is that the only purpose of government is to protect people rights. Such as preventing your neighbor from stealing your wallet, defrauding you, or attacking you.The sad thing is most government today boils down to two things
As a Libertarian I want to eliminate all government programs that steal. To see how Libertarians feel about most of the issues check out: http://www.lp.org/issues/issues.shtmlTo check out the Libertarian Party check out: http://www.lp.org/ That fake press release Mr. Liberal put outMr. Liberal AKA Rich Halverson, Mr Progressive, Mr Radio, and Mr NSA Spy was a bad, bad boy and put out a fake press release saying I was dropping out of the governors race. This is the fake press release. It was later found out that Mr. Liberal is guilty of plagiarism and stole the press release from John Greene. Here are the details on that.Contact MeContact via E-Mail at:
![]() Other times I ran for officeCheck out my old web pages from when I ran for offices in the past. I ran for Governor of Arizona in 2002, for President of the USA in 2004 and for Maricopa County Supervisor 2005
Other KrapBarry Hess got a slot on the ALP INC's web page. Will I be able to get a slot too? ALP Inc and Barry Hess
Why vote for Mike Ross instead of Janet Napolitano? Mike is listed as a canidate for governor at this site: http://www.uselections.com/az/az.htm